Listening to yourself

One could say that in counselling, the core experience of the client is that of being listened to. Properly. In a social context, people often interrupt each other; a train of thought is not followed through because distractions and diversions arise. Some people seem incapable of listening to others, and constantly want to draw attention back to themselves. Socially, most people will operate a degree of self-censorship for fear of being judged or rejected.

So the focused listening, or attention, of a therapist may be an unusual and possibly healing experience in itself. Add to that the often-mentioned advantage that the therapist is not directly involved in the client’s life, does not need to be taken care of, and offers a safe and accepting environment, then a client may be able to reach into their material more deeply. An effect of this, not always perceptible to someone new to the process, is crucially that the client starts to listen to themselves.

Sometimes this can have the result of solidifying an experience or feeling. For example, a client hearing themselves week after week, recounting a painful experience, may finally hear themselves, notice the pain they are enduring and decide to take a different course of action. If they hadn’t heard themselves with this clarity then they might continue to repeat the painful scenario.

Sometimes the externalisation of inner experience can turn up surprises. In speaking and being heard, a client may see themselves in a new light. They may sink into their experience more deeply and find new and unexpected material lying therein.
This sense of being listened to can also allow people to become less entrenched in a position. Once they have given voice to their top-line thoughts and feelings, they may then be able to access a less conscious, perhaps more suppressed viewpoint which challenges their dominant, and more known, position. This can be a very healing and growthful place for clients.

One of the gifts of the therapist is that they listen in to what is not being said, or become drawn to places that the client may have glossed over. This gentle reorientation can genuinely offer a client new perspectives or a deeper understanding.

© Julia Franks | powered by WebHealer

Privacy Policy and Data Retention Statement-Effective from 25th May 2018

I aim to be fully compliant with current GPDR legislation and to let you know how I use and protect the data you’ve given me. GDPR replaces the previous Data Protection Act. I wish to be transparent with regard to the processes I have in place. Identifiable information, if shared, will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. I follow guidance from my governing bodies UKCP and my insurers Towngate.

As a private practitioner and supervisor, I’m considered the data processor and controller in my practice. As the data controller, I process some of your personal data. During the assessment process information such as next of kin, family members and medication are gathered and held. This is encrypted (if digital) and securely stored. No one but me can access this information.

Data Processing means obtaining, recording or holding information. The definition is very wide, and most of what I do involves a degree of processing. I process the personal data I have collected as controller. I maintain records of personal data and processing activities and hold responsibility should there be a breach.


This is a primary concern and is separate to other terms and conditions. As my client, you can withdraw consent at any time. I hope to offer you choice and control. As a therapist and supervisor who occasionally uses creative interventions, I want to ensure you know that any drawings or art done in session is yours. I will store this material safely and dispose of it in a timely manner. I will never use any of your data/artworks for writing, publishing, research or training purposes.

I have bi-weekly ongoing supervision for support/creative inspiration and to ensure that my practice is safe. When I share client material or images this is always done confidentially, protecting your identity. Nobody but me has access to any of your data. I will keep this process under review and refresh it if anything changes.

Note keeping.

I keep notes on the ongoing work that I do with clients, but only use initials to identify people and I keep these notes minimal. I hold notes for five years. After this time frame, they're disposed of securely. You have a right to see the information I hold about you should you wish to. You have a right to change any information which you consider to be incorrect. You can also ask me to delete all/any of the information that I hold. There are however some details I need to keep due to legal and professional obligations.

Data Storage.

I promise to keep all sensitive data safely. This involves using passwords and encrypted documents. I keep all sensitive data in a lockable file. I dispose of data by shredding documents after the counselling has finished after a 5 year window. I dispose of emails on a regular basis.

While we work together I will store your name and phone number on my smartphone. I will only contact you in response to you or concerning appointments. I do not engage with clients through any social media.

In the event of a complaint.

Please contact me directly. If we cannot resolve this you could then contact the Information Commissioner Office ( ICO). I am registered with them and my reference is ZA257108 (A8189801). or Guidance for GDPR Compliance.

Clinical will

In compliance with my membership of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, I am required to hold an up-to-date Professional Will. In the event of a sudden cessation of my therapy practice eg through an accident or death, I have appointed 2 Professional Executors and a Co-ordinator who would manage things on my behalf. This is arranged for your welfare as my client and every step is taken to ensure GDPR standards are met. The Exectors and Co-ordinator have access to a password protected document with the names and contact details for all my clients. However they are instructed only to view these details in the event my becoming incapacitated.